
rice ear Learn more about rice ear

  • How does grain crop rice get white ear disease to do? When will it happen? How did it happen? How to prevent it? What kind of medicine can be cured?

    How does grain crop rice get white ear disease to do? When will it happen? How did it happen? How to prevent it? What kind of medicine can be cured?

    Rice white panicle disease is a common disease after heading, which occurs in all planting areas, and this disease will seriously affect the yield and reduce the benefit, so during the planting period, we must strengthen the management technology, then what to do if rice gets white panicle disease? When will it happen?

    2020-11-09 Food crops rice get white ear disease what to do what?
  • Ii Youxiang 13 (formerly known as Neixiangyou 13) (Rice)

    Ii Youxiang 13 (formerly known as Neixiangyou 13) (Rice)

    Characteristics: this variety belongs to indica three-line hybrid rice. the average growth period of one-cropping middle rice in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River is 156.8 days, which is 3.6 days later than that of Shanyou 63. The stem, leaf rim and leaf node glume tip are all purplish red. The plant type is moderate, the cold tolerance is medium, the grain weight per ear is more coordinated, and the color change is good at ripening stage. The number of effective ears per mu is 160000 ears, plant height is 116.4 cm, ear length is 25.6cm, total grains per ear is 161.6, seed setting rate is 81.8%, and 1000-grain weight is 27.9g. Resistance:

  • Identification of common confounding symptoms in rice

    Identification of common confounding symptoms in rice

    1. Several kinds of Ralstonia solanacearum 1. Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. It is more common in the late stage of late rice, which often occurs in clumps in the field, and there are several plants in a hole. The tissue at the base of rice is soft rotten and has dark brown spots. Peeling off the basal leaf sheath and stem, we can see that there are many black sclerotia smaller than amaranth seeds. 2. Bacterial base rot and wilt. Sporadic occurrence in the field, generally 1 in 1 point, 3 plants fell ill, the base of the diseased plant showed rat gray rot, the root system was rare and decayed, peeled off the basal stem, full of smelly water, sterile sclerotia. 3. Physiologically withered. The stem of rice plant shrinks and the base of rice stem is pinched by hand.

  • Fuyou 6 rice

    Fuyou 6 rice

    According to the approved situation, the whole growth period of medium rice in Sichuan is 151.6 days, which is shorter than that of Shanyou 63 by 2 days. It takes about 151.6 days to grow middle rice in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and 128days in Guangxi. The plant height is 111.6 cm, the ear length is 24.7cm, the effective ear is 163000 / mu, the number of grains per ear is 170.1, the maximum single ear is 400grains, the seed setting rate is 85.98%, and the 1000-grain weight is 28.1g. Good processing and cooking quality, appearance quality

  • The production process of rice

    The production process of rice

    The production of rice needs to go through seven processes: soil preparation, seedling raising, transplanting, weeding and pest control, fertilization, irrigation and drainage, and harvest. The process of rice production 1. Soil preparation: this process is divided into three periods: rough ploughing, fine ploughing and leveling. In the past, animal power and ploughing tools were used, mainly

    2020-11-09 Rice production process production rice need pass soil preparation
  • Chunyou 2 (Rice)

    Chunyou 2 (Rice)

    Chunyou 2 is a new high yield and early maturing japonica hybrid rice combination Chunjiang 10A, a dense panicle japonica male sterile line, and CH89, a large panicle japonica restorer line. 1. Ear grain structure and yield: plant height 103.3 cm, effective ear 152000 per mu, ear length 18.3cm, total grains per ear 175.4, seed setting rate 90.2%, 1000-grain weight 26.9g, theoretical yield 646.9 kg / mu (2002 data). two。 Main features: the late whole growth period of Zulian is 130 days.

  • Occurrence and Control of main Rice Diseases and pests in Gejiu City

    Occurrence and Control of main Rice Diseases and pests in Gejiu City

    1. Rice planthopper 1. damage characteristics: Rice planthopper, also known as white mosquito, is a migratory pest with the characteristics of long-distance migration and outbreak. The common ones are gray planthopper and white-backed planthopper. It occurs in the rice area of the city, mainly harming rice, followed by wheat and corn, but also parasitic on grass and other Gramineae weeds. The adults and nymphs clustered to suck the sap on the base and leaves of the rice clump, and the injured part showed a long brown spot. In severe cases, the lower stem blackened and the whole plant withered. 2. Living habits: there are 4 generations in a year, from the end of April to the beginning of May.

  • Experience of intercropping Rice and Auricularia auricula

    Experience of intercropping Rice and Auricularia auricula

    Intercropping Auricularia auricula in rice growing season, the microclimate of paddy field can better meet the needs of fruiting body growth conditions, so the yield of Auricularia auricula can be increased by 1-2 times, and the yield per mu can reach 250 kg. First, the temperature and humidity of the ear: Auricularia auricula is a medium-temperature edible fungus, and the hyphae are in

    2020-11-08 Rice and black fungus intercropping experience rice growth season
  • Key points of Rice cultivation of Qyou 18

    Key points of Rice cultivation of Qyou 18

    The variety was selected by Chongqing Zhongyi Industry Co., Ltd and Rice Research Institute of Chongqing Academy of Agricultural Sciences. The combination belongs to medium indica late-maturing three-line hybrid rice. The whole growth period of medium rice was 152 days, which was 3.2 days shorter than that of control Ⅱ You838. The plant height is 110.4 cm. Under the density of 12000 nests per mu of seedlings, the number of effective ears per mu was 143000 ears, the number of grains per ear was 159.6, the seed setting rate was 82.0%, and the 1000-grain weight was 30.5g. Moderate plant height, compact plant type, erect leaves and green leaves

  • Yunnan No. 4 (Rice)

    Yunnan No. 4 (Rice)

    Yunnan Line 4 is a new japonica rice line with high yield and high quality bred by the Japonica Rice breeding Center of Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences. The combination is Yueguang / Hexi 24 / / Hexi 34. Characteristics: the plant height is about 90 cm, the tillering ability is medium, the effective ear per mu can reach about 280000 ears, the plant shape is good, the stalk is hard, the leaves are erect; the ear length is 20.3cm, the number of grains per panicle is about 120grains, the hull is golden, ripe color is good, awnless; the 1000-grain weight is 25.1 grams, not shedding grains; cold resistance, fertilizer resistance, lodging resistance; high resistance to rice blast; the whole growth period is about 174days. Rice quality

  • Shengtai No. 1 (Rice)

    Shengtai No. 1 (Rice)

    Shengtai No. 1 is a new variety with high quality, super high yield and disease resistance, which was bred by the cross between Shengyou 2, a super high yield rice variety of Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and Thai high quality soft rice variety Taiyin 1. The characteristic characteristics of Shengtai No. 1 are thick and straight leaves, green color, early growth and early growth in the early stage, green branches and drafts in the later stage, good ripe color, ideal morphological structure of stems and leaves, developed root system, fast elongation rate, deep and wide distribution, strong vigor, no premature senescence, strong fertilizer resistance and lodging resistance. the effect of increasing fertilizer is good. Strong resistance to stress and disease, and strong cold resistance in early seedling stage.

  • Plateau Japonica No. 2 (Rice)

    Plateau Japonica No. 2 (Rice)

    The main results are as follows: (1) Variety source: Gaojing 2 is a new alpine japonica rice variety selected from the hybrid breeding material 7801-10-2 in seed Station of Yanyuan County. (2) characteristics: the variety has compact plant type, fertilizer resistance and lodging resistance, and green leaves. The whole growth period was 186-190 days, which was 5-7 days later than that of the control japonica 9. The plant height is about 100cm, the effective ear per mu is 26-290000, the ear length is 19cm, the ear has 108grains, the seed setting rate is about 73%, and the brown rice rate is 82.9%.

  • Fujiguang (Rice)

    Fujiguang (Rice)

    Yield performance the average hectare yield of 1995-1996 identification test was 8132.6 kg, which was 8.0% higher than that of the control variety Dongnong 416, and the average hectare yield of non-site identification test in 1996 was 8073.9 kg. The average yield was 6.8% higher than that of the control variety Dongnong 416. Japonica rice with characteristic characteristics, the number of growth days is about 132 ℃, and the active accumulated temperature is 2500 min. The plant height is 90 cm, the ear length is 18 cm, the number of grains per ear is about 80, and the 1000-grain weight is 2.

  • K you 402 (Rice)

    K you 402 (Rice)

    Breeding unit: Rice Sorghum Research Institute, Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Approval: it was approved by Sichuan crop Variety approval Committee in 1994 and by the National crop Variety approval Committee in 1998. Variety approval number: national examination and approval rice 980008. Variety source: KI7AX402. Characteristics: early indica varieties. The plant is 95 cm tall, the sword leaf is stiff, and the main stem has 14 leaves. The length of ear is 10 cm, the effective ear is 200,000 million per mu, and the grain per ear is 1.

  • How many varieties of rice are there? What are the most popular?

    How many varieties of rice are there? What are the most popular?

    Every time I see golden rice seeds, farmers are excited. It not only proves the achievements of farmers in planting rice, but also evaluates rice. Through professional evaluation, rice varieties can be divided into many grades.

    2020-11-27 rice how many species varieties most popular which several kinds
  • Jiudao 45

    Jiudao 45

    First, selection and breeding unit: Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences II. Variety source: in 1995, Zhongzuo 191-1 was used as female parent and Fengxanzao as male parent by pedigree method. The original code is Jiudao 301. 3. Characteristics: 1. Plant characters: plant height 104 cm, compact plant type, erect leaves, strong tillering ability, about 21 effective ears per hole; 2. Panicle characters: ear length 19.2 cm, scattered spike shape, main tiller ear neat, 181 grains per main ear, average 120 grains per ear

  • Shaonuo 9714 (Rice)

    Shaonuo 9714 (Rice)

    Characteristics: this variety belongs to japonica conventional waxy rice. the average growth period of single cropping late rice in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River is 147.7 days, which is 2.1 days later than that of Xiushui 63. The plant height is 96 cm, the plant shape is moderate, the plant is short, the population is neat, the flag leaf is straight, the growth is luxuriant, and the color changes well at the mature stage. The number of effective panicles per mu is 197000 ears, the ear length is 19.4cm, the total grains per ear is 113grains, the seed setting rate is 90.1%, and the 1000-grain weight is 27.7g. Resistance: Rice blast 7, bacterial blight 3, brown planthopper 9

  • Cultivation technique of Auricularia auricula with Rice Straw

    Cultivation technique of Auricularia auricula with Rice Straw

    The main results are as follows: (1) the quality of rice straw softening treatment is the key to the success or failure of cultivating Auricularia auricula and obtaining high yield. Straw is a kind of loose, easy to accumulate water and not easy to fix material, especially its epidermis, with a layer of wax, this kind of wax paper can prevent mycelium from eating. Through experiments, we have found out three kinds of straw.

  • Mian 2 you 838 (Rice)

    Mian 2 you 838 (Rice)

    Characteristics: this variety belongs to indica three-line hybrid rice. the average growth period of one-cropping middle rice in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River is 150.4 days, which is 2.7days earlier than that of Shanyou 63. The plant height is 110.7 cm, the plant type is moderate, the grain weight per ear is coordinated, the lodging resistance is strong, and the color change is good at ripening stage. The tillering ability is weak and the cold tolerance is strong. The number of effective panicles per mu is 159000 ears, the ear length is 25.2cm, the total grains per panicle is 163.0, the seed setting rate is 81.8%, and the 1000-grain weight is 28.9g. Resistance: Rice blast 9, bacterial blight 7, brown planthopper 7

  • Cultivation of Auricularia auricula in rice straw sand bed

    Cultivation of Auricularia auricula in rice straw sand bed

    Fungus mites, commonly known as "fungus lice", belong to the phylum Arachnida, Arachnida and Acarina, which is not only the most harmful to edible mushroom seed production and cultivation, but also harmful to personnel. Its harm is divided into three aspects: first, bacterial mites directly feed on hyphae, resulting in no bacteria after inoculation or "disinfection" after inoculation, resulting in culture.
